
*Note* These quotes are several years old, and don't include anyone currently in UCMC. If you would like to have a quote added to this page, please cotact the Webmaster. Thanks!

Here are some various archived quotes. Most of them are inside jokes, but some are universally funny.


Alternative Lyrics to "Big C" (Anyomous)
On the Mall before old South Hall
Stands our symbol tal...l and bold (bold bold bold)
Cam-pa-ni-le means we really ROOT for Blue and Gold
Thy shaft of granite, Peder Sather
Rears its head on high...
That Monumental Gift
Gives All of us a Lift
When our hour of need draws nigh!

Phil: "We will play patty-cake in Hell together."

Khang and Dale: "Baby" and "msk (emeskay)"

Robert: "This food could feed, like, a thousand starving children in Zimbubu."
Tim: "Yeah, those Zimbubians have pretty small appetites."

Wes: "Look, this hand gesture has 'M', 'C' '4', and 'L' for 'life'."
Trent: "And it's a bear claw!"
Paul: "And you could put bread in it."

Robert: "WHAT?!?! Who ate my dinner??"

Tim: "Waaah Waaah Waaaaaahhhh!"

Paul: "The Campanile extends as far below the ground as it does above it; it's a mirror image."

Matt: "Block that punt!"

Robert on UCWC: "They have over 50 members, so they're huge and they're beautiful." Matt: "Heyohhhh!"

Robert (to self): "I'm not a girl."

Robert: "Only sluts say, 'I'm not a slut.'"
Tim: "How do you know that?"
Robert: "I'm not a slut!"

Matt (at the end of every song): "oo-ee-oo-oo-oo!"

Brady (with beckoning arm gesture): "Basses."

Men's Chorale Anagrams (Collaborative):
Slam Her Once
Choral Semen
Solemn Reach
Chosen Realm

Robert: "At the end of this piece, I'm not conducting any of the retards." (maybe he meant ritards)...

Robert (outside Yogurt Park): "Unit Three is FAR!"

Scott (to female carolers): "If you do your own thing, you don't get any men."

Phil (to waitress, over a penny): "I forgive you."

Phil (in reference to 12 days of xmas): "Aww man, thirteen is my favorite number."
Robert: "Then sign up under the thirteenth day."

Kevin: "Tap it like you own it."
Tim: "Tilyoi."

Sean: "Ask me if I'm a Truck."
Matt: "Are you a -"
Sean: "No."

Bill: "Ok, ... Basses..." (getting their attention)
Brady: "Bills..." (being a smart @$$)

Bill: "We can pretty much do whatever we want once we're over the border. I've sung in Tijuana many times."

Sean to a girl eating oreos: "Are you sure you want to clog up your ovaries?"

All of MC: "Rent!"
Robert P (a beat later): "Rent! F**k!"